Hi everyone, this the first game I've made for the first game jam I've ever participated in. Below you will find all the relevant details for the jam. Thanks for playing!

Theme AdherenceI tried to incorporate the jam's theme of Learn from Your Enemies by making all the enemies in the game books, and having the player learn the final password from them.
AssetsAll sounds, models, textures, materials, and animations were made by me during the duration of the jam.
Software Used

  • Godot
  • Blender
  • Krita
  • ClipStudio Paint
  • Audacity
  • Published 4 days ago
    Made withGodot


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    I like the concept, the assets are incredible, the atmosphere of the game is immersive, I would like the protagonist to have a shield to block attacks, the books are strong enemies.

    I hadn't thought about making a blocking mechanic, but that might work well. In my original design, completing the first level would have unlocked a sword throwing mechanic, which the player would use to hit a trigger and get through the first door, but I didn't have time to implement that.


    Lol I love your interpretation of the game jam theme, and I'm really impressed with the assets you've created for the library and character. This is a super fun game with a nice puzzle at the end.

    Thank you so much! The assets really ate up time, so I didn't have as much time to do level design and program more mechanics. Next time, I'll probably do the assets first, and not waste time on placeholder assets that I'll have to rework later.